- Awesome city
- It is really one of ther most beautiful places in the world (it was the only city in Central Europe that escaped to last centuries bombs)
- Czech food is good, but Prague is infested with tourists (like me) which makes the food expensive, it is hard to find a decent local pub with good food.
- Czech souveniers are the most expensive ones accross Europe. A guy tried to sell me a small Prague magnet in 7 Euros.... I saw the same in Paris in 3.
- Prague is expensive, same prices as the US or even more expensive
- It rained the 3 days I was here :(
- The castle is awesome and the Charles Bridge has a lot of mosquitoes after 8 pm
- Service in Prague sucks, is as bad as in Paris (or even worst) with the difference that here they do expect tip....
- The "Pilsner" beer, some sort of national pride is as bad as any average american beer.
- Yumi Fujii
Once Im back Ill write a more detailed blog on my adventures... Ciao
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