Cuando planée este viaje por primera vez hace dos o tres años, Roma era una de las 3 ciudades que iban estar en mi viaje pasara lo que pasara. Cuando era niño me prometí una vez que iría a Roma en mi primer viaje a Europa, no se bien porqué pero siempre había querido ir, la cultura italiana siempre me ha llamado, su comida, vinos, películas (alguna vez vieron Malena?), idioma, música y tantas fotos que había visto. En fin, todo empezó la tarde de un 6 de Mayo, al empezar a caminar hacia la Fontana de Trevi sentí por primera vez el poder imperial de esta ciudad, impactante al momento de solo pensarlo y avallasador al vivirlo. | When I 1st planned this trip like 2 or 3 years ago, Roma was one of the 3 cities that had to be part of this adventure whatever it took. Everything started when I was a kid, I promised myself that the first time I go to Europe I was going to go to Rome, I don't really know why but I have always felt attracted to the Italian culture, the food, wines, movies (did you ever watch Malena?), the language, music and countless pictures I've seen. Everything started one evening, May the 6th to be more precise, when I started walking through Fontana di Trevi I felt for the 1st time the imperial power of this city, amazing just to think about it, breathtaking and overwhelming at the moment of living it. The next stop was the Coliseum, the original name was "Anfiteatro Flavio" but it took today's name (Coliseum) when the emperor Neron put his statue in the front of colossal proportions and people referred to it as "Coloseo". |