Y la pregunta se vuelve a repetir (si no has leído el blog anterior, no vas entender este chiste), Porque Portland?? esta vez no fue por marro, sino porque estaba ya destinado a un proyecto de 6 semanas ahí. El punto es que me bajo del avión, dispuesto a irme con el cliente, y recibo la llamada de mi jefe... "Armando, change of plans, I need you in Seattle by 4 pm today (era medio día y yo en Portland), you start tomorrow a new Project in Starbucks"
Jaja... y al son de 1 2 3 agarré mi poderosísimo Cooper y a manejar las 175 millas de diferencia entre el Aeropuerto de Pórtland y mi oficina en downtown Seattle. Y así como suena, Starbucks será mi próximo proyecto, para aquellos que no lo saben, me considero el cliente de Starbucks #1 de toda la gente que conozco, así que pensar que voy estar en el HQ 1 mes, con TODO el café GRATIS que quiera... jaja, bueno, que les puedo decir… wordless... :) Ya les mandaré fotos y updates al respecto, así que la aventura Starbucks comienza... 3, 2, 1..... Triple Tall Latte please...

Ok, the title for this post may sound like a BAD several stops connection flight, don’t you think? well, that’s how I’ve been in the last days, after working so hard in Yahoo (as few times in my life), and a week of vacation (please refer to the previous post “Mom in town”), this last Saturday after my mom took her flight back to Mexico, I went to Atlanta for my company’s Spring Symposium. After 1 and a half day in training, today morning I flew to Houston, and then back to Portland.
The question comes back, why Portland? (if you haven’t read the Mom’s post, you wont understand this joke) haha, well, this time it wasn’t because I’m cheap, I was supposed to start my new project there today. Ok, I’m out of the plane, I’m ready to drive with my customer when I receive a call from my boss: “Armando, change of plans, I need you in Seattle by 4 pm today (it was noon and I was in Portland), you start tomorrow a new Project in Starbucks"
Ha ha, and 10 minutes later, I was driving my cooper back to Seattle to reach the 175 miles between Portland International Airport and my office in downtown Seattle. So, just like you read, Starbucks will be my next project. For those of you what don’t know, I’m the best Starbucks customer I know between the ppl I actually know (including myself), so just to think the idea of being 1 month in Starbucks HQ is exciting. All the coffee I want for free aI’ll update with pictures (they offices are awesome) and this is how the Starbucks Adventure starts… 3, 2, 1… Triple Tall Latte please!! :)
1 comment:
Hola ninio!!
Navegando me encontre con tu pagina, no manches q gusto saber q te la estes pasando tan bien y sobre todo q estes tan feliz!! Mi hermana no nos cuenta nada....Naty y yo no podiamos creer todo lo q has viajado q chido!! Enhorabuena!!!
Un besote
PD: la familia te recuerda con mucho cariño
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