En fin, abro la mentada cajita esperando encontrarme pues un foco con el logo de Yahoo! no?? pues naaaada, un triste foco común y corriente. Pero traía una página: http://www.18seconds.org/ está curioso el nombrecito no? en fin, me metí a la página a ver si ahí venía mi regalo (soy amante del free stuff que te dan en las empresas, jaja) y naaaaada, mas focos, pero ahora entendí. Así que si unos foquitos blancos en caja verde les causan la misma curiosidad, descúbranlo ustedes mismos. Nota..Refiéranse al banner verde que tengo abajo de los visitantes en el layer derecho de mi blog :)Hello!! After so much work and so few blogs I’m here again. I think the work load I’ve had in the last weeks is something I’ve never experienced, anyway, I won’t use arguments today, I’ll just explain something that happened to me, let’s say “funny”. I was working in my cube (for those of you that didn’t know, I’m currently doing a project for Yahoo!), anyway, I was loosing (as usual) my fight against databases when someone passed by and dropped a white bulb on my desk. Yes, a white bulb, strange don’t you think? It was a green box with the “go green” legend and a reference to a site called 18 seconds. I thought that maybe it was a green Christmas bulb, haha
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